Goal #1: Advance Workforce Development Efforts that Reflect our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice and to Sustain the Sector
In 2021 the Alliance Board of Directors and staff concluded a lengthy strategic planning process. Since that time, the first goal of our strategic plan has informed much of how we have proceed with our Endorsement efforts:
We have placed an incredible amount of attention on revising our infant-early childhood mental health (IECMH) workforce development standards in ways that promote cultural humility, diversify the workforce, and drive policies, scholarship, and training that are anti-racist. Additionally, an integral part of IECMH best practice is the use of reflective supervision/consultation (RSC). We believe that RSC promotes cultural humility, reduces burnout, and addresses implicit bias. Collectively, this has led to an extensive list of changes in a very short amount of time. The changes have been about one or more of the following: broadening pathways; dismantling and updating policies that impact Endorsement; infusing best practice into professional development requirements; and removing barriers.
